Norwich Ramblers


Trips Away

    Welcome to the Norwich Ramblers Trips Away page. If you would like to come on one of our trips, please read the following.
  1. Each walker is responsible for arranging their own transport and accommodation. People often share. You can ask the trips' organisers if they know of anyone who may like to share accommodation or lifts
  2. YOU MUST RESERVE A PLACE ON THE TRIP BEFORE YOU BOOK YOUR ACCOMMODATION. Please email the trip organizer if you would like to come on one of our trips. Email addresses are shown below for each trip. We are registering attendance as our trips away have become very popular. We may have to restrict numbers depending on the availability of leaders, walks and car parks. This will be at each trip organisers’ discretion. You may like to take out TRAVEL INSURANCE for our trips away. The Ramblers offer Liability insurance to all its members on the walks, and Personal Accident insurance only to the leaders when leading, reccing a walk or on their way there & back.
  3. You will receive a welcome email a few weeks before your trip with information about the logistics, with a further email one week or two before the trip, with a detailed itinerary.
  4. DOGS ON TRIPS AWAY. If you are thinking of bringing a dog to your chosen trip(s), please ask the specific trip organiser (before you book your accommodation) if dogs are allowed, as they may decide their trip is not suitable. When possible, we will give an indication of whether the trips away will be dog friendly when advertised below. Thank you for your understanding.
  5. PS Please note we have removed the £5 fee per person per trip starting in 2025.
    Any queries unrelated to a specific trip, please email Trips Away Coordinator
Description Base Town First Walk Date Last Walk Date
2025 LAKE DISTRICT: WE ARE SORRY BUT WE HAVE HAD TO CLOSE THE TRIP AS OF 13 FEBRUARY. WE HAVE INCREASED THE NUMBERS BUT HAVE REACHED 66! A WAITING LIST IS IN OPERATION.PLEASE NOTE THE LAKE DISTRICT WALKING WEEK TRIP WILL BE IN MAY THIS YEAR. PLEASE READ THE INTRODUCTION AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE & REGISTER BY EMAILING THE TRIP ORGANISERS & WAIT FOR THEIR CONFIRMATION OF A PLACE BEFORE BOOKING YOUR ACCOMMODATION. 2025’s trip will take place in May so that we can experience the beauty of spring in the Lake District- think carpets of bluebells and lambs.There will be 2-3 organised walks each day, of varying difficulties. The longer walks will potentially involve significant ascents and descents, steep and narrow rocky paths with precipitous drops and sometimes necessitating the use of hands on rock. The shorter walks will also involve hilly terrain but will be at lower altitudes and at a slower pace. Full walk descriptions will be published a few weeks before the trip itself. Some of the walks will start in Keswick, some will require car journeys of varying lengths and some we will use public transport. We will also be arranging some evening social events.The itinerary as always will be highly weather dependant. We are, of course, as usual looking for leaders for walks so please use the contact address if you are willing to lead a walk. The organisers can offer advice and assistance. DOGS- registered assistance dogs only (please email for advice)For additional information and to register for the trip BEFORE YOU BOOK YOUR ACCOMMOODATION please email the organisers Jim & Jane.
Keswick 9:30 am
WILTSHIRE WALKING WEEK. PLEASE READ THE INTRODUCTION AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE & BOOK YOUR PLACE/S BY EMAILING THE TRIP ORGANISERS BEFORE BOOKING YOUR ACCOMMODATION. ACCOMMODATION BASE: We aim to have all walks within about 30 minutes drive of this delightful cathedral city. To the north, Old Sarum and the Woodford Valley; to the south, Downton and the Avon Valley path, Godshill, Fordingbridge and the New Forest; to the south west, we have Martins Down on Cranbourne Chase; to the south East, Downton and Pepperbox Hill; to the east we have Great Wishford, Salisbury Plain and Grovely Woods. WALKS: At least one daily walk 10-12 miles. Depending on the numbers attending & availability of leaders, we will offer some shorter walks of around 8 miles. To give people the chance to do some sightseeing but not miss the walks, we will only offer 1 walk on Wednesday, which may be a little shorter. TERRAIN: Hilly, but no big ascents or descents. Often we will walk along river valleys & then up 150-200 meters to a ridge. DOGS: If you would like to bring a dog, please let us know when you book your place. ORGANISERS: Marita (Norwich R) & Frank (Wilshire Ramblers)For more information & to BOOK YOUR PLACE, PLEASE EMAIL:
SALISBURY 10:00 am
DORSET WALKING WEEK. PLEASE READ THE INTRODUCTION AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE & BOOK YOUR PLACE/S BY EMAILING THE TRIP ORGANISERS BEFORE BOOKING YOUR ACCOMMODATION. ACCOMMODATION BASE: Dorchester. We are returning to the stunning world heritage Jurassic Coast for an exciting programme of walks, different from our 2022 trip. Most walks will start within a 15-30 minute drive of our base, except for Lyme Regis which is about one hour west. WALKS: There will be plenty of classic coastal scenery to view around Abbotsbury, Golden Cap, Durdle Door, Lulworth and Lyme Regis. The trip will also feature two leisurely inland walks with commentary following in the footsteps of Thomas Hardy and Lawrence of Arabia. The popular circuit of the Isle of Portland will most likely feature again. There will be two walks on 5 of the 6 walking days, some days both walks will start from the same place: a 10-12 mile more challenging walk with a maximum of 600 ascent, and an 8-9 mile walk taken at a gentler pace, with a maximum ascent of 460 meters. TERRAIN: mostly good paths often on coastal hills which can be steep at times. DOGS: If you would like to bring a well-behaved dog on a short lead only, please contact us before you book your accommodation. ORGANISERS: Marita (Norwich R) & Peter (South Somerset R). To book your place/s and for details, please EMAIL Marita at this email:
Dorchester 10:00 am
PEAK DISTRICT LONG WEEKEND. PLEASE READ THE INTRODUCTION AT THE TOP OF THE PAGE & BOOK YOUR PLACE/S BY EMAILING THE TRIP ORGANISERS BEFORE BOOKING YOUR ACCOMMODATION. ACCOMMODATION BASE: Buxton. The majority of the walks will be within a 30 minute drive from Buxton with some starting from Buxton. WALKS: There are plenty of options for walks in the White Peak and Dark Peak areas. We will also consider the option of a linear walk, making use of bus or train services in the area, to be confirmed nearer the start date.On the first day, at least Walk 2 will start at the later time of 11:00.There will be two walks a day, Friday to Tuesday. Walk one will be a faster paced, longer walk, 11-14 miles. Walk two will be a shorter, slower paced walk, in the region of 7 to 9 miles maximum.WALK LEADERS ARE STILL REQUIRED FOR BOTH LONG & SHORT WALKS. If you are interested, please let Mark know as soon as possible. Routes can be provided, and other support if you haven’t led a walk before and/or are unfamiliar with the area.We will also aim to organise a social activity based in Buxton, to be confirmed. Further details to be sent to the registered participants. Dogs: Registered assistance dogs only. ORGANISER: Mark L.
Buxton 11:00 am