Norwich Ramblers

Links to Sites showing Access Areas or Walks
Norwich Ramblers Digital Walk Library The Norwich Ramblers Digital Walk Library is a free web resource intended primarily for group walk leadersbut it's open to use by anyone interested in walking in the Norfolk area and beyond.
The Boudicca Way
The Boudicca Way and surrounding countryside offer a great place to walk, cycle, bird watch and explore beautiful, unspoilt South Norfolk landscape.
E-mail Us Your Comment or Question to Boudicca Way. Email -
The Bittern Line
These guided walks have been organised by the Bittern Line Community Rail Partnership, which aims to encourage greater patronage of the Norwich to Sheringham Railway line by local residents, visitors and businesses through the development of small scale initiatives. All the walks are FREE to rail ticket holders. The Bittern Line also produces a pack of leaflets detailing walks from each Bittern Line Station.
For further details about the guided walks, and to confirm that the walks are going ahead as planned, please phone Ian Dinmore on
01263 224248
Norfolk Area Ramblers Association
Area Secretary Ken Hawkins 26 Hillfields Dereham NR19 1EU
07505 426750 Email -
Walks programme for whole of Norfolk monthly.
Ramblers Membership Enquiries
02039 613232
Email -
Natural England
01902 693218
Registers by County of Countryside Stewardship sites where the public has free access.
(The maps are not very clear but the site position can be worked out with an OS map.)
Natural England
47 National Nature Reserves across six counties.
Full individual site descriptions are given along with access details, there are no Grid Reference numbers.
National Trust
Email -
P O Box 39, Warrington, WA5 7WD
0844 800 1895
Properties, Coast and Countryside Open to the Public. Details of all properties in the East of England. The walking person symbol

Norfolk County Council - Countryside Access Website
Walking information covering the whole county from short circular walks to long distance footpaths. Sections on your rights and the law when accessing the countryside. Links to District Council web sites.
Norfolk Wildlife Trust
Detailed information on all of the sites in Norfolk including OS map numbers, grid reference numbers and car parking facilities.
The Woodland Trust
All Woodland Trust sites and much more.
Visit Norfolk
A site with plenty of information about walking in Norfolk.
On this page you will find 100's of links to UK web pages which carry on-line walking routes, hiking trails, route directions, route maps etc. A growing number also carry GPS directions. Almost all of the walking information on these sites is provided free of charge.
Outlets for Walking Gear, Maps and Information
Bus or Train times check the current accuracyTravel Line 08712 002233
For local details of Norfolk 01245 454385
5 Day Weather Forecast - Norwich Area
Met office forecast
Norwich Leisure and Camping
58 Yarmouth Road, Blofield, Norwich, NR13 4LQ
For all walking and camping needs. - 10% Ramblers Discount on production of valid membership card!
01603 717600
London Street, Norwich
Department Store selling a range of maps and walks literature.
01603 660661
Cotswold Outdoor
Blackburn House, 1 Theatre Street, Norwich, NR2 1RG
DVery large range of all things outdoors. Ramblers members enjoy a 15% discretionary discount, online and in store, from our recommended retailer, Cotswold Outdoor.
01603 232223 Email -
Rohan now in Norwich
8 Back of the Inns, Norwich, NR12 1PT
Large range of all things outdoors. Discretionary 10% discount to RA members.
01603 624328
Mountain Warehouse
21 London Street, Norwich, NR2 1JE
Large range of all things outdoors. Discretionary 10% discount to RA members.
01603 766068
Go Outdoors
Barker Street, Norwich, NR2 4TQ
Very large range of all things outdoors. Go Outdoors discount card £5.00 a year.
08443 876827
Ramblers Association
2nd floor Camelford House, 87-90 Albert Embankment, London, SE1 7TW
Dedicated to Working for Walkers - Information and Fact Sheets on all aspects of Walking.
The Ramblers' Association exists to facilitate, for the benefit of everyone, the enjoyment and discovery that walking outdoors can bring; and to promote respect for the life of the countryside. The association encourages walking; protects rights of way; defends the beauty of the countryside; and has campaigned for many years for freedom to roam over uncultivated, open country. The association is a democratic, voluntary organisation, registered as a charity (no.306089).
02039 613300 Email -
Ramblers Walking Holidays
Lemsford Mill, Lemsford Village, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, AL8 7TR
Small friendly parties who enjoy walking or sightseeing in 160 destinations world wide. Holidays to suit people of all ages, abilities and incomes. Every Ramblers Holiday party is escorted by an experienced leader, so you can relax and admire the scenery. Ramblers Holidays is a source of finance for the Ramblers work.

01707 331133
01707 339039
Email -
Ordnance Survey
Romsey Road, Southampton - Help line
General Information, Map Brochures, Price Lists.
08456 050505 01703 792906
The Broads Authority National Park
Hoveton Visitor Centre,
Station Road,
Hoveton, NR12 8UR
01603 756097
01603 782281
Email -
The Barn at Whitlingham Country Park
Whitlingham Broads Information Centre,
The Visitor Centre, Whitlingham Country Park,
Whitlingham Lane,
Trowse, Norwich, NR14 8TR
01603 756094
01603 617332
Email -
Toad Hole Cottage at How Hill Nature Reserve
Toad Hole Cottage Museum,
Ludham, NR29 5PG
01603 756096
01692 678763
Email -
Leaders Page